Saturday, May 19, 2007

Seth, spring 2007

Seth climbed high up inside our hedge and popped his head out, silly boy!

He lost one of his front teeth today, so his smile looks really different, I have to get a picture of that before the new one grows in.

Here he is at the skate park, he does some amazing things on that skateboard...

young kids

Sara and Jake on Mother's Day. I feel so blessed to share my life with these precious children.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Today, Mother's Day, I stood at Grant Park with several other women at 1pm for 5 minutes of silence.

We are standing for the world's children and grandchildren, and for the seven generations beyond them.
We dream of a world where all of our children have safe drinking water, clean air to breathe, and enough food to eat.
A world where they have access to basic healthcare to nurture their growing bodies.
A world where they have a warm, safe and loving place to call home.
A world where they don't live in fear of violence in their home, in their neighborhood, in their school, in their world.
This is the world of which we dream.
This is the cause of which we stand.